Ten Idea Sampler Pack – Send me your problem description and I send you a non-exclusive, customized list of ten of my best ideas. A great way to sample the value I can offer before committing to another Legal Innovation as a Service package. $,2500 flat fee.
To order or get more information, email me or call me at 734-926-5197.
Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. If you do not believe that the price matches or exceeds the value you received, you may pay the amount of the value you believe that you received.
Legal Innovation as a ServiceTM (“LIaaS”) is a fresh approach to provide innovation leaders in legal organizations with Just-in-time, Just-enoughTM guidance at key inflection points in the innovation process. LIaaS consists of pre-scoped, limited, flat fee service offerings to help you get desired feedback or help, move your effort forward, and let you get back to doing what you do best. You select the option you need from the catalog, we work together on that project, and you get quickly back on the road to success and achieving your vision.
LinkedIn Profile. Also, see LinkedIn showcase page for Dennis Kennedy’s books.
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