Free Samples
Note From Dennis: While most of my articles and other materials are no longer available for free, it is impossible for me to keep from making some of my articles and other materials freely available. After all, that’s what I did for nine years.
On this page, you will find links to some of my favorite articles and other articles I want to keep freely available. They offer a good sampler of my writing and contain a lot of useful information. Read them to learn about certain topics or as taste test to see if my for-sale materials will appeal to you. Of course, much of my current writing continues to be freely available at DennisKennedy.Blog [link: ] and Blawg Channel [link: ].
- Ten Tips to Improve Your Presentations with PowerPoint
- The Best is the Enemy of the Good
- Document Management and the Mathematics of Technology Investment
- Fast Fish and New Technologies
- Creating an Environment in Law Firms Where Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management Will Work
- Outside Counsel Inside Counsel Partnering: Through Technology to the Virtual Law Firm Subpage
- 2004 Legal Technology Trends: Do We Stand on the Threshold of the Next Legal Killer App?
- Ten Ways to Address Security Concerns in IT Contracts