Intranet and Extranet Resources
AMS Legal
Automating In-House Counsel
CIO’s Intranet / Extranet Research Center
Collaborating with Clients
Complete Intranet Resource
Darwin Magazine’s Intranet/Extranet Executive Guide
Developing Your Intranet Strategy and Plan
Expanding the Utility of The Law Firm WebSite
An Extranet: One small step for a law firm, one giant leap for law firm kind
Extranets: Creating the Collaborative Law Practice
Extraordinary Extranets
Intranet Journal
Intranets and Extranets for Law Firms
Extranet Basics: Taking a Step Toward a Client-Focused Practice
Law Firm Collaboration Via Extranets
Law Firm Extranets
Law Firm Extranets (imakenews)
Law Technology News Extranet article
Legal Extranet Blog
Letting Clients Take the Law into Their Own Hands
LextraNet Resource Center – Intranets/Knowledgement Management
Strategies for Building Your Firm’s Extranet
T-Lex — Secure Extranets for Lawyers
21st Century Extranet
The Virtual Law Practice
West WorkSpace