One of the cool new projects I’ve gotten involved with is “IP Memes,” a weekly e-mail newsletter from The TechnoLawyer Community. In IP Memes, Kevin Grierson, Gail Standish and I provide links to IP developments, articles and resources, with an eye toward identifying themes that will come into play on the horizon – new technologies, newly-introduced legislation, speeches and articles from important thinkers, and much more.
It’s turned into a very interesting and fun publication. The newsletter itself consists of short summaries with hyperlinks to follow if a summary catches your attention.
The target audience is probably IP lawyers, corporate counsel and business decision-makers, but there are usually interesting stories for any one interested in the future of IP and law.
To subscribe, you simply need to go to and join The Technolawyer Community, which is a great resource on legal technology matters. One of your membership choices will be to choose which newsletters you want to get. Just select IP Memes.