I added two new articles to my web site.
The first is The Coming Battle for Control: Predictions for Legal Technology in 2003 – this year’s version of my annual article on what to expect in legal technology. I purposely avoided blogs and wireless to focus on some bread-and-butter practical issues. This article is the first place I unveiled my “third age” of legal technology idea. The article originally appeared in a shorter version in the January issue of ABA’s Law Practice Magazine, but that issue was not yet posted to the web when I checked.
The second recent article is called Technology To Go: From Wired to Wireless and Beyond. It appeared as a feature article in the Feb/March issue of Law Office Computing. This topic is getting to be an annual tradition as well. This area of tech is a moving target, to say the least, articles are almost dated as written, but I try to focus on some practical ways to think about what you need.