The latest issue of Dennis Kennedy’s Practical Technology Contract Review News features the article “Common Concerns with Confidentiality Clauses” and includes other tips and resources useful to all who deal with information technology agreements, licenses and other technology contracts.
As a result of several recent interventions staged by friends and colleagues concerned that I give away too much of my content, I will be making several changes in the near future that will greatly reduce (but not eliminate) the amount of free content I provide on my web site and elsewhere.
Starting with the January 1, 2004 issue of “Dennis Kennedy’s Practical Technology Contract Review News,” access to the newsletter will require a US$125 per 12 months subscription. The 2003 newsletter archives will also be available for a fee. The newsletter continue to be free to (1) my clients and (2) subscribers as of December 1. As a special offer to the readers of my blog, I will give anyone who subscribes on or before December 15, 2003 and mentions this blog a free 12-month subscription for 2004.