Scheherazade has a great post today about having imaginary lunches with legal bloggers.
On the other hand, I got to have a real lunch today with Matt “the [non]billable hour” Homann.
Matt’s a great guy with tons of cool ideas that mesh with many of my own. I learned a bunch of new things and was especially interested in Matt’s fascination with an online project management tool called BaseCamp. I’m impressed with Matt’s ideas on how he can use it in his practice.
It was a beautiful day in St. Louis today and we decided to sit at an outdoor table. It turned into a 4-hour lunch, but, in fairness, we did put together solutions to most of the problems with the legal profession and many other issues as well.
I’ve now gotten to spend a fair amount of time with a good number of the legal bloggers. Here’s my conclusion: damn, what a bunch of bright, interesting and good-hearted people, any one or more of them who seems capable of dramatically changing the way things get done.
And I’ll forgive Scheherazade for overlooking me on her lunch list in exchange for an invitation to her first blawger sailing party.