I make no secret of the fact that I’m probably the biggest fan of the ASP (application service provider) model in the world of legal technology. I’ve recently learned of a very cool ASP approach that epitomizes the concept of “high tech, high touch.”
My friend Glenn “The EsqLawTech Weekly” Garnes called me recently to talk to me about Sendoutcards.com. Glenn is an innovator, so I always take notice of anything he finds interesting. He usually has a good new business idea or two for me in the conversation as well.
My first reaction was that Glenn was describing to me an e-card service. I was wrong.
Sendoutcards.com applies the ASP model to the physical world of greeting cards and postcards. Think of “print on demand” cards.
It’s a classic web interface approach. I can upload my contacts and mailing list. I can select among 2,500 card designs. I can add a personal message, of course. Even better, I can edit the standard message. How many times have you found a great card, only to open it and find an inappropriate message? I can even create and use a font based on my own handwriting.
After I get my mailing prepared, I transmit my order. Sendoutcards.com then physically prints out my cards and envelopes, has them stuffed into addressed envelopes, puts a first-class stamp on them, and mails them out.
Your clients and friends will receive a great, personalized card from you in the mail. It’s easy to send cards on a regular basis to clients, friends and relatives. How good a job are you doing to get that done?
The cost: $1.00 per greeting card (including postage). A smaller amount for postcards.
Think of the last time you were at a drugstore or mall looking for cards. It took a long time and you ended up grabbing some sort of a compromise card. You probably paid $3 or more for the privilege.
Think of the costs in supplies, time and labor for your firm or organization to send out holiday cards or do a postcard marketing campaign. Sendoutcards.com is an attractive alternative, isn’t it? Don’t just think small firms or individuals. We all know the hassles in managing the greeting card mailings for a large law firm under your current “beg the attorneys to send out their cards” process. And that season will soon be upon us.
I had Glenn set me up with an account. He’s a distributor. You can simply use the service or you can turn it into an income opportunity for yourself or your firm. Glenn has all the details. Take a look at the detailed info Glenn has put together at http://www.greetingcardwiz.com/. Then get in touch with Glenn by way of the contact link on that site (or contact him directly through his blog). Just tell Glenn you came to him from me or my blog and he’ll take care of getting you set up.
Heck, Glenn can even set you up to use the system to send a card for yourself to experience how it works – a great idea if you have a wedding anniversary or spouse’s birthday coming up soon. I’ll personally vouch for that.
By way of disclosure, there is a little something in it for me if you sign up through Glenn and mention my blog, but it’s better than the alternative of having me set up a little tip jar on this blog and begging for donations because you like my blog, isn’t it? In any event, I wouldn’t recommend the service if I didn’t see a potential value and benefit for my readers. And, I use the service myself.
It’s a great of example of “high tech, high touch” and a great way to save money while staying in better touch with your clients, friends and others. That’s a combination that’s hard to beat.