I learned today that Jim Calloway’s Law Practice Tips blog has made its official debut. What a great way to launch the year of 2005 in legal blogging.
As you may know, Jim, among other things, is the chair of ABA TECHSHOW 2005, the practice management advisor for the Oklahoma Bar and one of the best-hearted people you’ll ever find. I’m pleased that he mentioned his excellent article, “Technology, Stress and the Lawyer’s Quality of Life,” in one of his early posts. It’s one of my favorite articles on legal technology and I recommend it highly. It’ll give you some inspiration to start the new year.
I just happen to know that Jim has been thinking about starting this blog for a while now and I’m so pleased to see that his ideas have come into reality. This blog will definitely be one to watch. Welcome to the blogosphere, Jim.
For the rest of you who are thinking about blogging or made a resolution to start a blog this year, come on in, the water’s fine.