Reid Trautz points to a great article by Sarah Kellog in the Washington Lawyer that covers the blawg world more comprehensively and more insightfully than any other article I’ve seen so far. If you want to get a good grasp on lawyer blogging, this is the article you will want to start with.
I would say this even if I wasn’t quoted in the article.
I had a great time talking with Sarah when she interviewed me for the article, but I had all but forgotten about it. I’m grateful to Reid for pointing out the article and grateful to Sarah for telling the story of legal bloggers and blogging in such an effective way.
By the way, the money quote from me is this one:
“It opens up a question that is going to become increasingly important as years go by: How do we teach people to evaluate resources critically?”
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]