With considerably less fanfare than the original announcement of the poll, Legal Affairs, apparently an important magazine covering legal issues, has released its list of the top 20 U.S. legal thinkers, containing most of the usual suspects.
I’m disappointed to report that Matt Homann’s valiant write-in candidacy was unsuccessful. You would think that his involvement in LexThink might have helped his candidacy.
As expected, the publication did not rectify the embarrassing omission of a category for practicing lawyers, presumably because they believe that practicing lawyers are not thinkers. Just kidding – I’m sure that they just forgot that we exist and no slight was intended. As the announcement says, “Our list lists to the right a bit, but it also interestingly betrays a presumably non-partisan bias among voters toward judges and academics over journalists and other commentators.” Practicing lawyers must be included in “other commentators.” I’m sure that’s the case.
Congratulations to the winners – I’ll let others run the stats on diversity, political leanings and the like.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]