I couldn’t help but notice how Ernie and Matt have been spending their time running Google searches about themselves and then applauding the wisdom of Google. I was a little surprised that they would resort to this type of posting, which was largely pioneered by me at times when I was desperate for material and seeking external validation for my efforts.
I really want to be impressed with Ernie’s results and Matt’s results, but, frankly, I’m not as impressed as they are (and who could be, really?). Here’s why:
In the category that really matters to all legal bloggers, note that I, Dennis Kennedy, am the first result in a Google search today for “coolest legal blogger” and “coolest legal blog.”
I’m also thrilled to have Google rank my blog as the #1 result for “best named legal blog.”
Among other honors I now have in Google are being the first result for:
“best legal blogger”
“best legal blog”
“most famous legal blogger”
“legal blogger you most want to have a beer with”
“most important dennis kennedy in the world”
“leading legal thinker named dennis kennedy”
“legal blogger who should be paid a lot more money”
“best writer of the legal bloggers”
Oh, Google, you are making me blush.
My colleagues at Between Lawyers have also done well.
Congrats to Tom Mighell – “most admired blawger”
Denise Howell – “most respected blawger” and “best litigator of the legal bloggers.” Denise is also the “happiest blawger.”
Unfortunately, Google was not so kind to Marty Schwimmer who received only the “best marty schwimmer who authors the trademark blog” award, but I have no doubt he’ll find a few others.
Other Google awards of note:
In a bit of a surprise, Jeff “LawTech Guru” Beard took the “most ironic blawger” award.
Evan Schaeffer walked away with the award for “best coffee mug given away by a legal blogger.” I was shocked to defeat Evan in the category of “funniest legal blogger.”
Of course, Google has a changing dynamic and can be, at times, a bit capricious in handing out favored search rankings. Your results may vary, depending upon (1) when you click any of the links in this post and (2) the efforts of others currently less favored by Google to optimize the favor with which Google treats them.
Not surprisingly, Google also found me as the first result on “most nonbillable hours today of legal bloggers.” Back to work.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]