In a few days, I’ll be rolling up my sleeves to start work with the rest of the TECHSHOW board on planning TECHSHOW 2006. 2006 will mark the 20th anniversary of the ABA TECHSHOW.
I know that the question on your mind is: “how can I make Dennis’s job on the TECHSHOW board a little easier?”
Well, I have three answers for you:
1. If you have ideas for session topics, send them to me (denniskennedyblog @
2. If you have ideas for speakers (including yourself), send them to me (along with some supporting info) (denniskennedyblog @
3. If you or your company wants to learn more about sponsorship and exhibitor options, let me know (denniskennedyblog @
Ideas for sessions will be the most useful to me right now.
Thanks for your help.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]