It’s time for the annual voting for the TechnoLawyer @ Awards, which honor favorites in a variety of legal technology categories as voted on by the members of the TechnoLawyer Community. is a must-join resource for those interested in the application of technology to the practice of law.
The @ Awards are a great way to recognize some of the best products, services and people working in the field of legal technology. I’m proud to be a past winner of some @ Awards.
This year, I thought I’d make my voting more transparent than it has been in the past and post from time to time my votes and endorsements for some of the categories.
I’ll start with my endorsements in the two blogging categories: Favorite Law Practice Blog and Favorites Practice Area Blog.
Favorite Law Practice Blog: While there are many worthy candidates, I’ll be voting for Between Lawyers (, the group blog Denise Howell, Tom Mighell, Marty Schwimmer, Ernst Svenson and I created as part of the Corante family of blogs. Perhaps I’m not being objective on this one, but I’m impressed by the quality of the blog and the blog’s goal of opening up some of the doors the legal profession has traditionally kept closed. I also like the Between Lawyers blog’s track record of providing fresh insights into the practice of law in addition to providing tips about practice issues.
Favorite Practice Area Blog: This category title perfectly describes my feelings about leading legal blogger Marty Schwimmer’s The Trademark Blog ( Now entering its fourth year of existence, The Trademark Blog is both a textbook example of how a practice area blog should be done and a genuinely enjoyable regular read, even if you are not working in the area of trademark law. It’s difficult for a blog focused on a specific practice area to cross-over into other audiences, but The Trademark Blog, with its insight and wit, has definitely developed an audience that extends well beyond its trademark lawyer base.
Those are my endorsements. To vote, go ahead and join the TechnoLawyer Community (free registration required) and obtain your ballot and vote.
For a handy list of some of my other favorite legal blogs, be sure to check out my now-famous Blawggies post.
As always, I’d much prefer that you exercise your best independent judgment rather than be swayed by endorsements from me. I mainly want to get you to think about the categories and to give consideration to some of the blogs I like best these days.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]