Judy Lamont’s article “Law Firms Reinvent KM” may give many people something to think about. I can’t count the number of people who have said to me in the last year that nothing is happening in law firm KM or that KM in law is dead. I’ll admit to having some doubts a couple of years ago, but I’ve seen much lately that really intrigues me and makes me at least moderately optimistic that practical, useful KM efforts are happening in some law firms (and, perhaps more significantly, in corporate legal departments).
It’s a very useful article with several good examples of actual KM projects in firms.
The money quote, to my surprise, came from me:
“Law firms have become more pragmatic in their use of knowledge management technology,” says Dennis Kennedy, a legal technology expert. “They are less concerned about the buzzwords and more focused on what can be accomplished.”
Highly recommended.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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