I’ve spent a lot of time and energy over the last several years learning and thinking about the implications of RSS. I gave a presentation Friday on legal technology trends and predictions and heard myself saying that RSS is the most exciting technology development I’ve ever seen. I do believe that, especially in the context of the whole XML landscape.
With a lot of travel on my recent schedule, I’ve had some time to think about this and have been “rethinking” and “LexThinking” about some of the things I’m focusing on and how my energy and excitement level increases dramatically when the subject is RSS.
Last night, I got into Phoenix and found that my rental car had a license plate that looked something like this:
Note: Image created via http://www.acme.com/licensemaker/ (Thanks for Matt Buchanan for sending me the link for the license-making tool.)
I’m finding difficulty not reading this as some kind of sign that I need to act on.
To cap off that feeling, I’ve heard that the ReThinkIP blog will be the place to watch later today or tomorrow for a very interesting RSS-related announcement. More news on that as it develops.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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