Marc Orchant points to a great article from Michael Linenberger called “4 Tips for Improving Tasks at Work” that shows you ways you can use a Tablet PC to be more productive in your work. In a case of a picture being worth a thousand words, you’ll see from the illustrations what you really can do with a Tablet PC.
I get a lot of genuine interest in my Tablet PC from lawyers when I show them my HP Tablet PC. However, the lawyers seem universally to say that they won’t be able to get their firms to buy them a Tablet PC. I’ve always wondered if, pathetic as it may seem, a lawyer could set up an arrangement with his or her firm to provide 10 – 15 extra billable hours in exchange for being able to get the technology that best helped them get the job done.
For more of my views on the Tablet PC, see my TechnoLawyer article called “A Field Report on the Tablet PC” and listen to my comments about Tablet PCs for lawyers in Randy Holloway’s Unfiltered Podcast #2.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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