Like my co-presenter, Tom Mighell, I greatly enjoyed our Bloggin for Lawyers webcast for FindLaw yesterday and can’t express my feelings any better than Tom did here. We had more than 200 attendees and it was fun and educational. Tom and I have agreed to try to answer the questions that we couldn’t get to during the alloted time.
I want to thank everyone who attended the webcast. It is my understanding that the audio of the two webcasts will be made available at some time in the future.
Tom and I were discussing how much we enjoy presenting this topic (and RSS feeds, too, as we did at ABA TECHSHOW 2005), although we wish that we could do so in a half-day session or perhaps even in a workshop format. In a 45 – 60 minute session (if you count the Q & A session), we can’t cover everything we’d like to cover or go into much depth.
So, as Tom says, if you’d like to have Tom and me present on blogging or RSS feeds for your group, please get in touch with us. We’d really like to have the opportunity to do those kinds of presentations. Email me at denniskennedyblog @ or get in touch using the contact info on my website.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
This post brought to you by Dennis Kennedy’s eBooks – Preparing Your Law Firm for the Internet Era: 150 Steps Toward a 21st Century Practice of Law, Dennis Kennedy’s Legal Technology Primer and Unlocking the Secrets of Legal Technology and Technology Law: Finding Your Way in the First Internet Era.