Carrie Mathews, on the website, has a excellent, concise article called “How to Involve the Business to Create a Solid Continuity Plan.” With the recent string of disasters, it’s difficult even for the most tech-wary law firm not to have disaster recovery planning on the agenda.
The money quote:
Business continuity is not about IT; it’s about the business. Therefore, it only makes sense that someone from the business be the owner of this significant undertaking.
That’s a point I cannot stress enough and it’s one that I make whenever I speak and write about disaster recovery planning, such as in my article called “Ten Tips for Dealing with Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Issues,” which is featured in this month’s issue of the ABA’s webzine, Law Practice Today.
My article is part of a special Disaster Recovery theme issue of the webzine. This issue is chock-full of articles on practical disaster recovery topics from a variety of helpful perspectives. You’ll find much to assist a law firm or any other business work on disaster recovery planning or, if unfortunately necessary, disaster recovery. Tom Mighell and I wrote a column on Internet resources on disaster recovery that points to other useful websites and materials.
As an editor of Law Practice Today, I really like the way we can take advantage of the web format to assemble an issue quickly on a topical theme without many of the constraints a print publication has.
There are a lot of great articles in this issue of LPT, so be sure to take a look at all of them. In particluar, I encouraged Matt Buchanan to publish the article called “Lawyers as Leaders of Change in Customer Service by Professionals.” I think it’s a great article that I hope gets a wide audience.
I hadn’t yet mentioned the most recent earthquake disaster, but you can learn more about how to help out in those efforts and also see the role blogs are starting to play in coverage of and getting help in these catastrophes at the South Asia Quake Help blog.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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