Jennifer Jones has a very good article in ComputerWorld called “Data Diligence: It takes a skilled lawyer to skirt danger zones in a managed service provider agreement.” I was fortunate enough to be one of the people quoted in the article, which is my first appearance in ComputerWorld, a publication I have read and admired for many years.
The article is a great primer on the many issues that can be raised when entering even the simplest “managed service provider” (MSP) or “application service provider” (ASP) agreements. In this area, small and medium-sized businesses often face the most pitfalls.
From the article:
“Vigilance is prudent, not because MSPs are neglectful but because problems are common, experts say. “When outsourcing, it is surprisingly easy to do things like run afoul of a privacy policy,” says Dennis Kennedy, an IT attorney in St. Louis.”
If you are considering this type of arrangement for IT services – and most everyone is these days – be sure to check out the article.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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