My latest podcast appearance was posted earlier this week. If you want to hear some more of my thoughts on the future of legal technology and where technology is taking the practice of law, I’m interviewed as part of a new podcast from Thomson West, which can be found here and is identified as “Episode 2.” I had a great time talking with Leonard Lee, who did the interview, before, during and after the actual interview.
Tom Mighell and I have been discussing and starting to work on a podcast series that we hope to launch by the first of March. And, yes, we would be interested in talking about sponsorship options. Tom and I will be presenting a session on podcasting at ABA TECHSHOW 2006 in April.
Also, I’ve been talking with the very knowledgeable Anthony Reading of Aspen Conferencing about doing videocasts on legal technology topics with tech trainer extraordinaire, Adriana Linares, and perhaps other videocasts with others as well.
I’ve become intrigued lately by the development of Internet media tools and ways they can be used as information channels for materials that are better seen or heard than read.
I’ve done some earlier podcasts with Randy Holloway and Zane Safrit. I also have done a series of short webinars on electronic discovery as part of Merrill’s On-demand Seminars and will have some audio seminars appearing soon on the DigiLearn Online site.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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