I’ve served on technology committees for the law firms I’ve worked at and regularly talk to lawyers on technology committees. I’ve noticed that there is a lack of solid information targeted directly to tech committees and tech committee members. In fact, it would be impossible for me not to notice because my friends on tech committees regularly ask me about this.
So, I’ve decided to see if I can help provide some information for this audience that is solid, practical and based on my experience and what I’ve learned from others.
My friend Anthony Reading at Aspen Conferencing is helping me take the first step down this path by producing a free video webinar on March 21 that will showcase the very cool videoconferencing technologies at Aspen. The webinar is called “Best Practices for Law Firm Technology Committees: Making Good Decisions in a Time of Too Many Choices.” Registration details are at http://www.aspenconferencing.com/invite.html#.
Here’s the program description:
In this first of its kind video seminar called “Best Practices for Law Firm Technology Committees,” legal technology expert Dennis Kennedy will cover what you and your law firm must know about setting up or fine-tuning a technology committee and help your firm deal with the technology issues of today and tomorrow.
Every law firm has at least an informal technology committee and all firms with ten or more lawyers either have or should have a formal technology committee. However, it is rare to find lawyers, IT directors or law firm managers who feel that their firm’s technology committee functions at an optimal level.
As a member of a technology committee, you want to learn more about the issues your firm faces, understand the legal technology landscape and determine how to make good decisions and set priorities.
Management committees want to know how to select the right people for technology committees. Both lawyers and IT people want to learn how to communicate better.
In this sixty-minute session, Dennis Kennedy will take you from “Tech Committee 101” to the best practices he recommends for law firm tech committees today. He believes that law firms have reached a crossroads on technology and that it is vital for firms to make good choices about what directions to take. Most firms delegate those choices to a technology committee that has too little guidance and lacks the tools to make the best decisions. The best firms are always looking for better ways to move forward.
The seminar will cover:
Building a Solid Foundation
1. The technology committee horror story that you don’t want to have to tell.
2. Technology committee basics – answers to the questions: who? how? and what to do?
Moving Forward with Style, Support and Success
3. Getting things done – focus, strategy and what really works.
4. Setting your agenda – point A, point B and getting from point A to point B.
Making Your Best Plan for 2006 and Beyond
5. Dennis Kennedy’s Top Ten Tips for Technology Committees in 2006 (available only to attendees of this seminar).
6. A sampling of Dennis Kennedy’s favorite action steps to help you get to a great start at your firm.
The approach of the seminar will be highly practical, with a focus on how you can improve what you are already doing and make good choices for the future built on what you are doing well now. The seminar will feature observations drawn from Kennedy’s own experience on technology committees at mid-sized and large law firms and his familiarity with what is happening in the industry.
Seminar attendees will also receive handout materials that include a specially-selected set of Kennedy’s articles and other writings on technology committees and legal technology decision-making and his Top Ten Tips for Technology Committees in 2006 (available only to attendees of this seminar).
If you are a member of a law firm technology committee or may be so in the near future, please join us for this informative, thought-provoking and action-oriented presentation.
There are a limited number of slots for the webinar, so I encourage you to register soon. It’s free and you will get some great information not available elsewhere.
If you would like to receive information on other resources I may be providing in the future for law firm technology committees, please email me with your contact info at denniskennedyblog @ gmail.com.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
Learn more about legal technology at Dennis Kennedy’s Legal Technology Central page.
Technorati tags: legal technology technology committee webinar law firm videocast Aspen Conferencing