In a story that is sweeping what some affectionately call the “blawgosphere,” Ernest “Ernie the Attorney” Svenson has officially announced his departure from his former law firm and the opening of his solo law practice.
The respect and affection that law-related bloggers, especially the old-timers among us, have for Ernest is as real as can be. Ernest and Denise Howell were the inspiration for many of us to blog in the first place and set a standard of quality, generosity, good humor and inclusiveness that has helped create the unique niche that “blawgs” have in the world of blogging.
In fact, it is a sign of the respect that other bloggers have for Ernest that none of the people had been given the heads-up on this story posted about it until Ernest announced it himself.
So, Ernie, my friend, all best wishes on this next step in your journey. As a song lyric says, “the storm that rends also mends.” As you continue your post-Katrina search to find your path, know that you have many friends who will be happy to lend a hand, in no small part for what you have done for us.
As Ernest says:

Dreams that seemed not so pressing before Katrina now seem to be more urgent. I’ve learned a lot from Katrina, as I’m sure many people have. One thing Katrina taught us is that massive change can arrive very quickly, and have unpredictable results. If uncontrolled massive change can come into your life then why not try to bring about a little purposeful change just to balance things out?

I’ll note that, for now, Ernest has decided not to go with my advice that he open a string of “Ernie the Attorney” franchise law firms across the country. I’ll also raise the question that I know that is on other peoples’ minds – what might a law firm comprised of lawyer bloggers look like?
As my gift to Ernie on the start of his new firm, I am bequeathing to him the spot I have been inexplicably given on the new MyHQ Blawgroll in the category of “Blawgfathers” and a lifetime hotline to call me about technology and other issues.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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