One of the essential resources for amy lawyer with a solo practice (or planning to start one) is the Fourth Edition of the book, Flying Solo, edited by Bill Gibson.
Some solos may want to learn about specific issues and not wish to buy the entire book. The good news is that if you are only interested in a few chapters, you can download about half of the chapters as individual downloads so you can get exactly the materials you need.
Along with Storm Evans, I edited the technology chapters in Flying Solo and it’s good to see that they are well-represented in the available downloads.
I wrote three chapters for the book, all of which are available for download: Email Management; Computer Security for Solos; and Leaving a Firm: Guidelines for a Smoother Transition. The chapter on leaving a firm has surprised me with the amount of positive response it has gotten.
There are lots of other helpful chapters available for download and the book is hard to beat.
Other great resources for solo lawyers include the excellent site and the new Oklahoma Bar Association Starting a Law Practice Web Directory.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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Technorati tags: legal technology Flying Solo solo