On Thursday, May 18, the American Bar Association Law Practice Management Section, ABA General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division and ABA Center for Continuing Legal Education are presenting a teleseminar called “Technology Primer for Solo and Small Firms.” The program features the lead editor (Bill Gibson) and three contributing authors (Natalie Kelly, Dan Pinnington and me) of the latest edition of the excellent “Flying Solo” book.
From the program description:

This teleconference and live audio webcast will show you how to make better use of legal technologies to improve your practice. Join our expert faculty to learn how you can use technology to be more effective and efficient.
Attend this program to learn how to:
+ Protect the security and privacy of client and firm data from viruses, worms, hackers and your own staff
+ mprove client service and communications through the amazing power of practice management software
+ Avoid malpractice claims and ethics complaints that can result from the improper use of technology
+ Manage email communications to ensure that the flood of business-related messages and SPAM does not affect your client relationships or your ability to practice
+ Find and use the best online legal resources and marketing tools to improve and build your practice
+Train yourself and your staff to maximize your practice and technology investment
Our seasoned presenters will give you their favorite practical tips and tricks for doing more with and getting more from legal technology.

The teleseminar, on May 18 from 1:00 to 2:30 Eastern, is a full 90 minutes, and will be loaded with practical tips and recommendations. Natalie and Dan are two of my favorite presenters to listen to and to work with.
More details and online regisration is at http://www.abanet.org/cle/programs/t06tps1.html.
This will be a valuable program for current solo and small firm lawyers and those thinking about becoming solo and small firm lawyers. One great thing about this teleseminar for big firm lawyers – you don’t have to worry about running into one of your colleagues as you might at a traditional seminar.
I hope you can join us.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
Learn more about legal technology at Dennis Kennedy’s Legal Technology Central page.
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