I’ve been asked by the organizers of two upcoming conferences to see if I can lend a hand in asking vendors to become exhibitors and sponsors and to donate door prizes. I have the highest opinion of both conferences and believe that they represent an excellent forum and value for legal tech vendors.
1. The first is New Orleans, New Law conference on May 22 and 23. The sponsor information page is here.
I have many friends who are actively participating in this conference and this good cause. Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita and other disasters may be receding in our memories but the problems faced in their aftermath remain very real.
From the press release:

The two-day session titled New Orleans, New Law: Community Revival with Technology is critical to jump start the areas’ legal revitalization and teach attorneys about the technology tools and resources they can access and utilize to get them back on their feet. The newly established resource center will be critical to help them maintain their practices, have a place to meet clients, and have access to resources not available at their homes and temporary office spaces.

2. There is a consensus that the Missouri Solo and Small Firm Conference is the best conference of its kind in the country. I thoroughly enjoy presenting at and attending this conference, as I will be be doing again this year. Linda Oligschlaeger of the Missouri Bar does an amazing and greatly-appreciated job of organizing and putting on this conference every year.
She is once again expecting over 700 solo and small firm lawyers to attend this event. She mentioned to me that she’d always appreciate a few more items from legal tech vendors for door prize drawings.
I’ll go a bit further. Vendors in the solo and small firm space will not find a better venue than the Missouri Solo and Small Firm Conference. It needs to be on your marketing radar screen. I encourage you to get in touch with Linda about not only prizes for drawings, but sponsor and exhibitor opportunities. Sponsor information is here or contact Linda directly.
If you can help out with either event, I (and many others) would be grateful.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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