Almost every law firm and lawyer can benefit from paying greater attention to the most basic and practical aspects of protecting information from prying eyes. If you want a good place to start, you simply can’t beat Reg Adkins’ post called “10 Spy Tips” on the Elemental Truths blog.
Reg lists ten top sources of data leakage and makes it clear that we are often “guarding the air conditioner duct instead of the front door.”
The money quote:
If I wanted to know about a corporations business, I go to the snack bar at lunch and read the paper over coffee. You won’t believe the things you hear (if you’re in education, teacher lounges are hair raising!).
I remember once standing in line to order lunch behind a lawyer who was reading a document prominently labeled “CONFIDENTIAL” and oblivious that everyone in the line was reading over his shoulder.
Read the post and think about some of your habits and practices.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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