I’ve recently become very interested in the practical aspects of encryption, especially of drives and data.
With notebook computers full of data disappearing every day, or so it seems, the practical need for encryption all but speaks for itself.
However, encryption remains an overly-complex and opaque topic.
I want to find out whether there is any consensus yet on what tools and practices make sense. Is there anything like a “standard” approach? Are there tools and practices that we might or should standardize on. What are the “best” tools? For me, this means: what are the most usable tools?
What are the common pitfalls? Are there free or Open Source approaches? Is there a “gold standard” approach?
How can I keep this as simple as possible and still have reasonable protection?
You get the idea.
I’m interested in pointers to good resources, solid, real world practical advice, and stories about what people are doing successfully today.
What are law firm CIOs doing as they address these issues?
If you want to leave a public comment, then, by all means, feel free to leave a comment on this blog. However, I’d prefer that you email me directly (denniskennedyblog @ gmail . com).
Yes, I’ll probably write an article when I finish my research.
I look forward to hearing from you about what seems to be working these days.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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Technorati tags: legal technology encryption