Lots of discussion today on announcements from Google and web-based alternatives to Microsoft Office, all of which bring us into the zone of Web 2.0.
I’ve written quite a bit about Web 2.0, but it remains a difficult concept to explain.
Two excellent blog posts I read today will help you develop a core understanding. Well, they certainly reflect my point of view and I found them especially insightful.
The first is from a blog I’ve spent a lot of time on in the last few days – Rod Boothy’s Innovation Creators blog. It’s called “Web Versions of MS Office is a Tiny Niche.” For further study, check out his post on Excel Services.
The money quote #1:

Web Office or Enterprise 2.0 applications should not about “solving problems” – as in providing end solutions. Instead, at their best, Web Office should provide productivity tools that knowledge workers can use to build their own ad-hoc solutions.

The money quote #2:

This is the real vision of Enterprise 2.0 / Web Office / Office 2.0. It is the radical shift from IT developing full solutions to a new era, where IT provides productivity tools and knowledge workers use those tools to build end solutions.

The second post is from Ed Yourdon. It’s called “Recurring themes from my Web 2.0 visits” and it’s a great, succinct summary of the current Web 2.0 landscape. It’s must-reading if you are interested at all in Web 2.0.
The money quote (excerpting the five common themes):

1. Email is broken;
2. Young adults use the Internet in a different way than do 30-something and 40-something professional workers;
3. People don’t like to “break context” to grab additional information to perform a work task;
4. Most vendors believe that mobile devices will play a large role in the evolution of their products and services, but they’re not sure what form it will take;
5. Web 2.0 may be over-hyped, and some of its vendors may not have a rational business model, but it’s nevertheless “real”.

Lots to think about in those posts.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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