It seems that I haven’t spoken much lately about blogging and it’s been awhile since I’ve given a presentation in St. Louis.
Thanks to the good people at the St. Louis Chapter of the Institute of Management Consultants, I’ll get to do both on November 17.
Here are the details:

Dennis Kennedy, Speaker
November 17, 2006
Registration & Networking 7:15 am, Breakfast 7:30, Meeting 8:00 am – 9:15 am
Ces & Judy’s
(10405 Clayton Road (in Le Chateau Village, St. Louis, Missouri)
Tom Peters has said, “Biz Blogging . . . works. It is of . . . MONUMENTAL IMPORTANCE. (Or can be.)” In the session, well-known St. Louis blogger Dennis Kennedy ( will introduce you to the new world of blogs and podcasts and the benefits they now bring to many consultants and professional services providers. You will start with blogging 101 and then learn how you can uses blogs and podcasts to connect with a larger audience, enhance your reputation and marketing reach, and build your business. Kennedy will share his insights from more than three years of blogging. Business blogging does work.
Dennis Kennedy ( is a St. Louis lawyer who both practices computer law and provides technology consulting services for law firms and corporate legal departments. His blogs, DennisKennedy.Blog ( and Between Lawyers (, are among the longest-running, best-known and most influential of the legal blogs. In 1995, Dennis became one of the first group of lawyers with a web page, and he has frequently spoken, written and been quoted on Internet marketing issues, including the use of blogs by lawyers and other professional services providers.
An award-winning author with hundreds of publications to his credit and a frequent speaker, Dennis was named the 2001 TechnoLawyer of the Year and 2003 Contributor of the Year by for his role in promoting the use of technology in the practice of law. His website ( has long been considered a highly regarded resource on legal technology and technology law topics.
He is also a co-founder of LexThink!, a conference and consulting group that focuses on innovation in the professional services industry ( Dennis also co-writes a popular column on electronic discovery at He is a member of the ABA Law Practice Management Section’s Council and is an editor and board member of the Law Practice Today webzine (
Dennis received his J.D., cum laude, from the Georgetown University Law Center in 1983 and B.A., magna cum laude, from Wabash College in 1983.
Costs: $30 for IMC Members, $40 for non-IMC members,includes buffet breakfast.
If you bring a first-time guest, you will get $5.00 back at the door. Also, your Guest will receive a $5.00 discount.
We prefer that you register via our online registraton below. If you must call in your registration – call Kathy Robinson at Cost Containment Strategies – 314-439-5673.
Please make your reservation no later than Tuesday (by noon) before the Friday program.

Get more info about IMC-STL and the presentation here. Register here.
IMC-STL is a great group. I invite my local readers – lawyers or non-lawyers – to attend this session and learn more about the topic and the group.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]