I really enjoyed Scott Spanbauer’s CIO magazine piece on “Knowledge Management 2.0″ and was planning on writing about it here, but instead I’ll point to Bruce MacEwen’s post “Knowledge Management 2.0” and recommend it to your attention. I like the approach Bruce took to the topic and the conclusions he draws.
The money quote from Bruce:

Just as the days of top-heavy, intricate, heavy-maintenance IT “solutions” to KM may be in danger, so is the need to exhaustively present binder upon binder of ROI analyses to senior management to get buy-in. Rather than have to promise benefits two years (or more) down the road after exorbitant expenditures, just show people actually sharing their work through blogs and wikis.

Let me touch on Scott’s article for a moment because I had it in the back of my mind when I wrote my recent post on knowledge sharing, mainly for the way it showed a few examples of where KM “actually worked” using blogs, wikis and the other lightweight apps known collectively as Web 2.0 tools.
The money quote:

But recently, a new wave of smaller, lighter and less expensive tools has started to go where the larger KM systems often don’t—bringing corporate knowledge back out into daylight.

I like the 2.0 metaphor, even though I know that some do not, and I tend to use it in the sense of approaches that use the Internet as a platform. If you want to learn more about my thoughts on Web 2.0 and its implications for the practice of law, check out this podcast.
Web 2.0. KM 2.0. What’s next? Law 2.0? Electronic Discovery 2.0? Litigation 2.0?
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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