I posted the long version of my 2007 legal technology trends article as a series of blog posts. I’ve also cleaned it up a bit and turned it into a PDF file that you can download for free here. Enjoy. As I’ve mentioned before, a presentation based on this topic will be one of the seminars I’m available to deliver this year.
My friend Neil Squillante recently posted some thought-provoking comments on the TechnoLawyer Blog about the state of legal tech in 2007. While my trends article is largely my answer, I liked this comment Neil made:
[S]ometimes it seems like the same legal technology predictions make an appearance every year, but nothing really changes. In fact, you could probably whip out a predictions article from 2004, change the date to 2007, and republish it. Ha!
That reminded me that I did something similar in 2005, when I pulled out my predictions article for 2000 without updating and invited people to compare to see how much and how little had changed, in both the industry and my own perspective. It’s be instructive to read the 2000 article alongside the 2007 article and see if Neil’s riposte is on target. It’ll be fun, in any event.
As always, I invite your comments and questions about the 2007 article. I’d like it to be a discussion-starter.
Download PDF version of article.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
Learn more about legal technology at Dennis Kennedy’s Legal Technology Central page.
Technorati tags: legal technology predictions trends electronic discovery