Brett Burney is one of my favorite reviewers of legal technology products. He has a new article on PowerPoint 2007 that serves as a great introduction to the new version of PowerPoint, PowerPoint 2007 Takes on the Fear Factor. Brett highlights the features, developments, and issues that will most interest lawyers.
The money quote:
When you give a presentation, most people plug a projector into their laptop. When you launch your PowerPoint presentation, a carbon copy image shows on both your laptop screen and the projected screen. This may be fine for most folks, but the Presenter View can make you look like a superstar. While the projector continues to beam your formal presentation, the Presenter View on your laptop screen shows you a) the current slide, b) the notes you’ve written for that slide, and c) the next several slides coming up. You can jump to any slide without having to exit out of your presentation, and the Presenter View displays a big, fat timer to keep you honest.
Good article, with lots of good illustrations – something to keep in mind for your next PowerPoint presentation. The article is also notable for one of the rare links from a article to one of my articles (and my most popular article ever, at that). It’s nice to see legal publications link outside the family every now and then.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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