Here’s a very cool event for anyone interested in finding out how technology can truly revolutionize the practice of law and who can be in Los Angeles on May 8. I wish I could be there.
My very good friends at LexisNexis CaseSoft are conducting their very first CaseMap Client User Summit in Los Angeles on May 8 at the Biltmore Hotel.
Nancy Smith sent me these details:

The Summit is not a training session, but a series of peer-to-peer sessions on best practices in the use of CaseMap, TimeMap and TextMap. You will have the opportunity to gain advance insight into the use of our software tools to conduct case assessment and analysis. We encourage you to bring your litigation team to attend breakout sessions pertinent to attorneys, litigation support specialists and paralegals.
This one-of-a kind CaseMap Client Summit is conducted almost exclusively by peers who are successfully using CaseMap in their practice. Get countless time- and effort-saving tips and techniques. Hear incredible success stories and discover how you can put these best practices to work in your firm.
In addition to gaining valuable tips and techniques from experts in the field of litigation, you can earn up to 6 CLE credits. Presenters will include the California Attorney General Office on how they effectively use CaseMap and all our tools and UCLA School of Law professor, Dr. David Binder will present the compelling topic, “What Are You Trying to Prove?” As an added bonus, Shannon Bales of Munger, Tolles & Olson will share how litigation teams use technology at the United Nations War Crime Tribunals at The Hague and Cambodia.
All of this – knowledgeable presenters, 6 CLE credits, breakfast, lunch and a cocktail reception for only $395

Check out the complete agenda and register by contacting Nancy Smith at or call 904.276.1028. Tell Nancy that I sent you and you might find a special bonus especially for readers of this blog.
Lawyers and other legal professionals who are involved in litigation will not find any better use on their CLE budget this year.
Congratulations to Bob Wiss and Greg Krehel on all they’ve built since the launch of CaseMap 1.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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