I’ve been surprised by how many people asked me this question (i.e., more than one).
No, I have no plans to review the iPhone. There are three main reasons:
1. I very rarely do reviews any more – not that I’ve ever written many reviews. I’d much prefer to write a white paper for a vendor than to write a product review. The TechnoLawyer Newswire newsletter I write is series of articles about products, not reviews.
2. My own sad struggles with telephones and cell phones (1) often undercut my credibility as someone who might be considered tech-savvy and (2) are a constant source of comic relief to my friends and family.
3. I want only the simplest things from a telephone, like not changing its settings in my pocket, taking pictures of the inside of my pocket, and not making calls without my knowledge (a phenomenon so common that I recently saw that it has earned the slang name of “butt dialing“). I keep my current phone on the vibrate mode and wanted to take it off the vibrate mode and, after about ten tries, I found myself wondering aloud (somewhat loudly) how the damn thing had no trouble turning itself off of vibrate in my pocket, but that I could not get the vibrate setting changed without studious attention to detail and exquisite timing.
Perhaps I digress.
So, I’m not on tap to write an iPhone review and no one has sent me a review unit, although, in an odd sort of way, I might be the perfect iPhone reviewer. I can’t imagine anyone with a more detached, dispassionate approach to the iPhone than I have.
Interestingly, I’ve recently been reading some of the works of Jorge Luis Borges, one of my long-time favorite authors. Some of my favorite of his writings are the wonderful reviews he wrote of books that don’t exist or imaginary works. I love that idea and the genre.
As I was thinking about the iPhone and product reviews, it struck me that it might be fun to write reviews of imaginary technology products. In a way, articles about the latest technologies have a bit of the imaginary to them, and, frankly, the stories about the iPhone I’ve read over the last few months have a Borgesian feel to them. It will be interesting to see what happens when iPhones finally join the real world and people write about what they are and not what they imagine them to be.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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Technorati tags: legal technology iphone review butt dialing borges