I’ve been off the grid the past week at the annual firm retreat (expect some modest changes in the focus of this blog in the coming months).
I did have the chance to record a This Week in Law podcast last week and it’s now live and ready for downloading and listening. The episode is called Rate-a-Lawyer and focuses on the launch of the new Avvo lawyer rating site. In the episode, Denise Howell leads the discussion about Avvo and its implications with Avvo CEO Mark Britton, Ernie Svenson, Mazyar Hadayat and me.
The episode is long by podcast standards, but I encourage you to listen all the way to the end. There’s a lot of good discussion and this podcast lets Mark Britton tell his side of the Avvo story to an extent that I haven’t seen before, and I learned a whole lot from hearing Mark talk about the service. If you’ve followed the Avvo story, you’ll find this discussion quite interesting. I also suspect that you’ll be intrigued by some of the directions the conversation goes.
I’m always an encourager of new approaches, like that of Avvo, so I’d like to see how it all develops. My opinions (generally favorable) and questions (somewhat different than I’ve seen others raise) about Avvo should be pretty clear from the recording. Tom Mighell reviews the podcast here.
Take a listen. Get the podcast here. I’ll be getting back to regular posting this week.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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