It’s good to see that Jeff Beard will again be writing a regular legal technology column. He has the details here.
Jeff’s first column explains the role that the “matter-centric” approaches, which are popular among large law firms, can play in corporate legal departments. Matter-centric systems allows groups to create consistency in workflow between the various document management, case/matter management and other systems (often legacy systems in isolated silos).
The money quote:
Now legal staff can simply start saving files into these shared electronic or virtual folders. No more hunting for the paper file, missing a string of e-mails or dealing with unruly network file folders. This consistency enables more productive searches as well.
It’s a great start to what I’m sure will become a must-read column for corporate counsel and those who provide products and services for them.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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Technorati tags: legal technology matter-centric corporate counsel jeff beard