Microsoft’s new Windows Home Server is definitely a new technology that has gotten my attention. If you are a reader of my Google Reader Shared Items, you will have already noticed a growing number of links to WHS items.
Windows Home Server acts as a central hub for your home network, simplifying backup, storage, access and even remote access to your files. There’s a lot going on there. I’ve found the MS Windows Home Server blog to be a great resource on developments with Windows Home Server. A recent post pointed out that WIndows Home Server could be a platform for another of my favorite technologies – Microsoft SharePoint. WHS just gets more interesting to me.
Those of you interested in learning more about SharePoint will appreciate Microsoft’s new SharePointPedia.
Speaking of SharePoint and collaboration tools, I’ll note that Tom Mighell and I have turned in the first draft of our book (working title: The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools). I’m looking forward to a short break before we launch into the second draft. We have an aggressive timeline to meet in order to make the goal of having the book out in time for the ABA TECHSHOW next spring, so blogging may continue to be light here.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
Read the blog posts and RSS feed items I find most interesting on Google Reader Shared Items or subscribe to its RSS feed. High volume, but lots of items of interest to me that you might find interesting as well.
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