Angela Wilson interviewed me about a wide variety of legal technology topics for the ESQ Soundbytes podcast that appears in the most recent issue of the ESQ newsletter (link to mp3). It’s described as “attorney and ABA technology columnist Dennis Kennedy sharing what you need to know about PCs, social networking, and helpful technological gadgets.”
I enjoyed the interview, as you probably can tell from the recording, and there’s some good information in the podcast. Thanks to Angela, who is doing a great job with these podcasts, and to the Missouri Bar, which is again pioneering ways to use technology for lawyer (and consumer) education.
For those looking for insights into where technology is taking the legal profession, let me recommend Neil Squillante’s TechnoLawyer’s 2008 Predictions, which includes links to other sets of predictions for legal technology.
All of which reminds me that I need to finish my annual article on legal technology predictions.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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