I am the worst live-blogger ever.
As always, I come an event like ABA TECHSHOW 2008 with the good intentions of “covering” it on my blog. I admire greatly the bloggers who post frequent accounts of show happenings, incredibly-detailed notes of conference sessions and the like, making me feel part of an event that I could not intend.
“Hey, I should do that,” I think on my way to an event. And I map out ideas for how I can do it.
Ah, but, especially for me, good live blogging intentions never survive first contact with the actual event.
Inevitably, I decide that taking advantage of the opportunity to talk with people I don’t see often enough in person overrides all my liveblogging intentions.
Then, I end up putting together an early morning post or two that in no way “covers” what is happening at the event.
So, that’s where I find myself once again.
But, people always trump blogging whenever I have to choose. That’s the greatest part of being at ABA TECHSHOW.
However, even worse, I now realize that, in addittion to not live-blogging on my own blog, I’m also the guy who keeping the bloggers you want to read from TECHSHOW – Tom Mighell, Jim Calloway, Kevin O’Keefe and others – from getting the time to blog about this event. I’d feel doubly guilty about that, if I weren’t having so much fun getting to talk to the people whose blogs I read all the time and many other great people as well.
I’ve also convinced myself that I’m a more “reflective” blogger and my strength is in the posts I write where I have some time to think about things and to analyze them a bit. And I’m sticking to that story.
A few observations: great energy here, lots of people, and some new areas have caught my attention. I’ve also found myself in more interesting and productive blogging qua blogging conversations than I have been in for quite a while.
The part about TECHSHOW I love the most: constantly seeing the speakers (and some of the biggest names in legal tech) consistently making themselve accessible, answering questions, and providing amazing advice to people they meet.
It’s also incredibly exciting to see the launch of the book Tom Mighell and I wrote.
Speaking a two sessions today and much else to do, so expect continued light posting, but I’ll have some observations and analysis later.
In the meantime, I recommend following the TECHSHOW BUZZ (http://techshow.com/buzz) for aggregated coverage of the event and searching on the abatechshow2008 tag on Flickr for Adrian Linares’ great photos from the event (and, yes, we’re working on her to get her back on a regular posting schedule at her I Heart Tech blog).
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
Now available: The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell.
Technorati tags: legal technology ABA TECHSHOW