We’ll be recording the next episode of The Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast on Friday, May 8.
Our new format has a segment where we answer a few questions from our audience. Of course, that means we need to have some questions to answer.
The working title of our next episode is The Kindle DX, the iPad, and Legal Pad 2.0. With the announcement of the new Kindle DX and another round of rumors about an Apple ebook reader, we take a look at the possible impact of these devices on the lega profession. Will ebook readers and other devices be game-changers for law school and the practice of law?
We’d welcome audience questions on (1) something to do with main topic or (2) a legal tech issue in general.
You can email me your questions at denniskennedyblog @ gmail.com or leave a comment on this post send a Twitter message to @denniskennedy, @tommighell or @legaltalk. You can also get information on listening to a live stream of the recording at LegalTalkNetwork.com..
Give the podcast a listen and let me know what you think.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
Follow my microblog on Twitter – @dkennedyblog; Follow me – @denniskennedy
Now Available! The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Visit the companion website for the book at LawyersGuidetoCollaboration.com. Twitter: @collabtools
Technorati tags: legal technology podcast kindle collaboration