Tom Mighell and I have recorded another episode of The Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast and it’s now available on the Legal Talk Network and on iTunes. The episode is called “What Technology is Dead Today?” and here’s the description:

Twitter, Facebook, blogging? Hardly a day goes by without someone proclaiming that a technology is “dead.” On this edition of the Kennedy-Mighell Report, co-hosts, Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell talk about what technologies to stick with, what to abandon and how you can determine which are best for your law firm. In the Q & A segment, Dennis and Tom will answer audience questions and wrap up with Parting Shots, leaving you with lasting tips and observations.

I had noticed last week that I was seeing a large number of references to technologies being “dead,” most commonly Twitter. I was talking to Tom about building a podcast episode on the topic and did a quick search in my Google Reader, finding seventeen technologies that someone had declared “dead” recently. I didn’t check on ones that had been called “dying.”
In the episode, Tom and I talk about this phenomenon and both what it might mean and what people might mean when they say it. We also talk about how such a declaration might change your approach to technology (or not), how to evaluate such declarations, and a bit about our approach to deciding whether to stay with or abandon a given technology. These are important, but rarely discussed, areas of legal technology.
We also take on a couple of questions that I was asked last week by law students in a class on law practice management at St. Louis University Law School, including what are the “hot” technologies law student might want to focus on. I hope to write a blog post about my experience speaking with that class later this week.
In my “parting shot,” I discuss my rededication to David Allen’s <a href="Getting Things Done“>Getting Things Done (GTD) approach to organization and how much I liked Allen’s new book, Making It All Work.
We also extend congratulations to our friend Adriana Linares who has springboarded from her well-received appearances as a guest co-host on our podcast to her own Legal Talk Network podcast with Debbie Foster called Legal Three Point Oh!.. Check it out, along with the other great podcasts on the Legal Talk Network.
Give our new episode a listen and let me know what you think.
And try some of the back episodes as well.
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A reminder that we have a regular segment in which we answer questions from our audience. Send me your questions about legal technology and we’ll work them into upcoming episodes.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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Now Available! The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Visit the companion website for the book at Twitter: @collabtools
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