Seven years ago today, I launched this blog on an unsuspecting world as an early birthday present to myself, with a general sense that not only was I late to blogging, but that I had in fact missed the whole blogging thing. I also saw this blog as means to get to what i really wanted to do – have my own RSS feed.
The initial post was a simple one:

And so it begins . . .
I realized the other day that I had first written about blogs well over a year ago. In fact, the rise of blogs was one of my 2002 predictions for legal technology in my annual legal tech predictions article. As I was working on updating my web site (, I finally decided that I had to have my own blog. Thanks to people like Jerry Lawson, Sabrina Pacifici, the Support Forum at, it’s finally here.

Jerry Lawson pointed out to me that I first wrote about blogs for lawyers even earlier than I remembered inthat initial post before I actually started my own blog. When I read Soctt Rosenberg’s great history of blogging, Say Anything, last year, I was struck most by how long I was a reader of blogs (quite a few years) before I actually started my own. That was probably in large part due to the fact that I was writing a monthly legal tech column and other articles (and I was adding content regularly to my website), but it still is a big surprise to me to see how long I sat on the sidelines of blogging. I think I made up for the delay, and it’s difficult to put into words how mch I treasure the friendships that came to me through blogging. A special thanks to all of you.
It’s been a tradition here that I pull out the stops for the blawgiversary and tend to make extravagant claims about how the rest of the world treats the blawgiversary and do things like coin terms like blawgiversary (which I believe i might have done years ago in a momemnt of weakness). I was going to drop that this year until I realized that the US government had indeed created a federal holiday to give many of you a day off to celebrate the blawgiversary. Enjoy!
Seriously, though, I try to do a few special things this week to celebrate the birthdays of my blog and me. Although I’m planning to take a more low-key approach to that this week than I usually have done, I do like to take this time to thank my readers and do a little bit of a reader-appreciation week. So, watch for some special posts this week.
For the most part, however, I want to say a big thank you to readers of this blog and say that I’m looking forward to the next year of blogging, both here and on DennisKennedy.Microblog, the companion Twiiter experiment for this blog.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
Follow my microblog on Twitter – @dkennedyblog. Follow me – @denniskennedy
Now Available! The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Visit the companion website for the book at Twitter: @collabtools
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