Tom Mighell and I have recorded another episode of The Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast and it’s now available on the Legal Talk Network and on iTunes, with an RSS feed here. The episode is called “The Siteless Web Presence” (show notes here), and it’s sponsored by Clio. A special thank you to readers of this blog who listen to the podcast – consider trying out an episode or becoming a regular subscriber.

Here’s the episode (#36) description:

The conventional wisdom has long been that your website, or perhaps your blog, should be at the core of your web presence. Today, your Internet presence is likely to consist of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts, and a variety of other places people can find you. Is this expansion of “presence” changing the common wisdom and bringing us to what’s been called the “Siteless Web”? In this episode, co-hosts Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell discuss the changing Internet environment, whether a website really matters anymore, and how to manage your multi-faceted presence on the Internet.

My friend Ernie the Attorney used to say sometimes that when he didn’t know what he thought about something, he would write a blog post just to learn what he actually thought.

In this episode, Tom and I took that approach. We knew that we wanted to think about the topic of the “Siteless Web” as a way to get a few thoughts together for the webinar we’re doing tomorrow, but we weren’t sure what those thoughts would be. So, rather than go into the podcast with an agenda, we decided just to talk about the topic and see where it led us.

We hope you like this approach.

The “Siteless Web Presence” refers to the potential movement away from a central website or blog to which you direct your audience and have control over what information they get to decentralized web presence that recognizes, especially in the world of social media, that you may have audiences that don’t go to your website or blog, but get information about you and from you in a variety of ways and ways in which you might not have the same degree of control as a website or blog.

Tom sets out a structural way to think about this based on some of Chris Brogan’s writings, emphasizing the idea of a “home base” and “outposts.”

Not surprisingly, I push the idea a bit further than most would and suggest we consider the idea of a number of “personal portals” that link to a variety of our web presences and recognize that our audiences vary and come to us in differnet ways.

Is it time to move away from websites and blogs? I don’t think quite yet, but it’s important to think about what the future holds. I will say that if I didn’t already have a longstanding website or blog, I might consider going directly to some of the “siteless” approaches.

In our “stuff Tom and Dennis have been talking about” segment, we take on one aspect of the “siteless web” – Facebook presence, and discuss our thinking about whether it makes sense to create a fan page for our podcast and how we would go about doing that. You get to eavesdrop on our thought process and I think that you’ll find this segment helpful if you are considering how to bring your business into Facebook.

We end the podcast with our Parting Shots – practical tips you can use right away. Tom loads up with a trifecta of Google tips – dragging and dropping Gmail attachments, file conversion, and how to see what Google knows about your social circle. I try an parting shot embedded within a parting shot – recommending the Legal Toolbox podcast and an episode called “The Use of SaaS in the Legal Field” as a great introduction for lawyers to cloud computing, and then a tip from the podcast to try to visit an actual data center if you are considering cloud computing options. If you can’t make an in person visit, there are video tours (example) you can find on the Web. I predict it will change the way you think about cloud computing.

Give our new episode a listen and let me know what you think. Show notes for the podcast are here. And try some of the back episodes as well. You can also now follow the podcast on Twitter at @tkmreport.

[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]

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Now Available! The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Visit the companion website for the book at Twitter: @collabtools