Adriana Linares and I had the idea years ago to do a live videocast from the ABA TECHSHOW. We made that a reality a few years ago. Steve Best joined the team last year when Adriana was chairing TECHSHOW. The Legal Talk Network has always produced the shows.
The 2018 TECHSHOW Today videos are now available on YouTube at the links below:
- Chairs of TECHSHOW Episode with Debbie Foster and Tom Mighell (Steve Best and Dennis Kennedy – co-hosts)
- Women of Legal Tech Episode (Nicole Bradick and Natalie Kelly (Adriana Linares and Dennis Kennedy – co-hosts)
- Law Students Episode with Justin Evans and Irene Mo (Steve Best and Dennis Kennedy – co-hosts)
- Blockchain Episode with David Fisher and Trent Carlyle (Adriana Linares and Dennis Kennedy – co-hosts)
We have great fun doing these shows, but the shows have really strong comment and important insights. We had some fabulous guests this year and I recommend all of these episodes. Start watching and let us know what you think.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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Now available: The new second edition of The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell.