The ever-interesting Dave Gray mentioned something called the Sideways Dictionary the other day. The Sideways Dictionary attempts to define/explain technology terms by offering analogies rather than definitions.
For example, if you look up “blockchain” on the Sideways Dictionary, you’ll (currently) start with an analogy that begins, “It’s like the minutes at a Town Hall meeting, written by two very accurate people. . . .” There are currently five blockchain analogies. Some are better than others. The one analogizing a blockchain to to a public money ledger is one that I might use. The notion of “distributed ledger system” is so essential to an understanding of blockchain.
For me, getting a good understanding takes several tries from several different directions. I read many articles on blockchain before Gwynne Monahan and I wrote our “blockchain for lawyers” article called “Lawyers Get Ready There’s a Blockchain Coming” article in January, 2017. We made a valiant attempt in the article to explain blockchain in a simple and accessible way.
When I was asked to write an article on smart contracts (essentially, blockchain applications) for lawyers, “Thinking Smartly About Smart Contracts,” I tried to improve on that explanation. You never know how successful you are.
For me, the explanation of blockchain that worked for me was in the book, The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and the Blockchain Are Challenging the Global Economic Order, by Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey.
After recommending the book to others, I realized that an explanation that might be wonderful for me could be entirely opaque to someone else. I’ve sent people to podcast episodes and articles that I thought were crystal clear and had people tell me that they could not make any sense of them.
I do, however, get asked on a regular basis to point people to resources that explain “the blockchain.”
I decided to publish this post in which I have collected a bunch of useful and succinct “blockchain explainers.” My idea is to keep adding to this post as I find useful explainers. there’s no doubt that I’ve missed many good ones, so I encourage you to submit comments to this post with suggestions for additions to the list and I can add them.
My focus here is on “Blockchain 101” information, not in-depth technical discussions.
Here’s my starter list (in no particular order at the moment):
- Blockchain 101 (IBM)
- A Beginner’s Guide to Blockchain Technology (CoinDesk)
- Unchained Podcast: Blockchain 101 With Andreas Antonopoulos: How Bitcoin Makes Each Of Us As Powerful As A Bank
- What is Blockchain Technology? A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners BlockGeeks
- Executive’s guide to implementing blockchain technology (ZDNet)
- The Basics of Blockchain Technology, Explained in Plain English (Motley Fool)
- Still Don’t Get Bitcoin? Here’s an Explanation Even a Five-Year-Old Will Understand (CoinDesk)
- Blockchain Explained (Upfolio)
- Understanding the Blockchain (O’Reilly)
- What is Blockchain? (Too Embarrassed to Ask podcast)
- Blockchain explained: It builds trust when you need it most (CNet)
- Blockchain, Explained: An MIT Expert On Why Distributed Ledgers And Cryptocurrencies Have The Potential To Affect Every Industry (MIT)
- Blockchain in 5 Minutes (IBM Video)
If, after that, you are ready to dig in deeper, I highly recommend that lawyers (and others) get an understanding of business aspects of blockchain. Any one of these four books should get you started:
The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything, by Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey
Don’t be discouraged if it takes you several tries to grab hold of the concept.
If you have any other resources for the list, please let me know.
Symmetry Blockchain Advisors Beginner Resources (Debbie Hoffman)
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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The second edition of The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell.