“I don’t have time for personal strategy planning. I’m so busy that I don’t have time to anything but work.”
Sound familiar?
In this month’s issue of my Personal Strategy Compass newsletter (paid subscription only), I’m tackling the #1 objection I hear about Personal Quarterly Offsites (PQOs). I’ve developed a stripped-down approach called the Minimum
Personal Quarterly Offsite
My Productive Personal Offsites Course – Price Cut
I held my Q3 Personal Quarterly Offsite last week. I developed this technique several years ago and have found it incredibly useful.
The premise is that, like a corporate or business retreat or offsite, you can and should set aside a few hours every quarter to focus on your personal goals, developments, and status, and…
A New Use for Personal Quarterly Offsites
Regular readers of this blog will know that I’m a big advocate for Personal Quarterly Offsites. These are half-day personal retreats designed to help me (and you, I hope) focus on the “important but not urgent” quadrant of the Eisenhower Matrix (a/k/a the Eisenhower Method).
I’ve been working on and evolving my approach…
Reflections on My June 2021 Personal Quarterly Offsite
I held my latest half-day Personal Quarterly Offsite last weekend. As I’ve developed regular Personal Quarterly Offsites into a personal practice, I keep finding more benefits to this structured approach. The Personal Quarterly Offsite has become a regular, valuable touchpoint for me.
That’s why I recommend this practice to everyone. I, only partly joking, like…
Personal Quarterly Offsites Course – February Sale Price
One of the most valuable exercises I do routinely is the Personal Quarterly Offsite. It’s a straightforward concept with powerful results. I find it so helpful that I created an online course to share my approach and best practices. It’s called Productive Personal Quarterly Offsite for Busy Legal Professionals.
March is a fantastic…
Play Where No One Else is Playing
I held my December personal quarterly offsite yesterday. It was enormously productive and you’ll hear more about it later. I love this approach to planning, especially in our current tumultuous times.
The big takeaway for me is summed up by the following quote on my office bulletin board from Whitney Johnson.
Some of you will…
Is Thanksgiving Holiday Week a Good Time for a Personal Quarterly Offsite?
With CDC and other guidance recommending that we shut down family holiday gatherings, I started to think about alternatives for this week.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s much to be said for reading, napping, bingewatching TV, puttering, eating Grand Traverse cherry pie, and the like.
However, there’s a part of me (and probably of you)…
New Personal Quarterly Offsites Online Course
In connection with the launch of the new Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory Community, I’m excited to announce a new online course that should appeal to most, if not all of the readers of this blog.
It’s called “Productive Personal Quarterly Offsites for Busy Legal Professionals.” The price is $39.99 for members…