It’s a sad day for the Kennedy family. My daughter’s pet hampster, Fuzzy, died last night. The death of any pet is very difficult, but Fuzzy was Grace’s first real pet and that makes it especially hard.
Fuzzy did have a long life and touched us all with her entertaining ways.
Several years ago, Grace came to me wanting to get a pet. Several allergy tests and second opinions later, it was clear that having any fur-bearing pet was not advisable for me. We talked the doctors into an arrangement where Fuzzy was largely kept away from places I frequented and Grace picked out Fuzzy at the Humane Society.
I could not be more proud of how responsible and loving Grace was in taking care of Fuzzy. It’s been a hard day for her.
We’ll miss Fuzzy but are thankful for the time she shared with us and the way she touched us all.