Well, here we are again. Another February 15th and another blawgiversary for DennisKennedy.Blog. It’s hard to believe it’s been twenty-two years. since I wrote that first bold and triumphant announcement, echoing Babylon 5: “And so it begins . . .” I genuinely thought I was late to the blogging party back in 2003. Turns out

As an avid reader, for many years I have set the goal of reading 52 books in 52 weeks. It’s ambitious, but reading is a hobby and this exercise helps me keep track of what I’ve read. In 2024, I read 72 books, exceeding my goal by quite a bit. Or, more accurately, I listed


As summer arrives and my grading season has ended, I find myself eagerly anticipating some quality time experimenting with generative AI. After a spring semester filled with teaching a course on AI and the Law and conducting numerous prompting experiments, I am ready to continue my exploration.

This excitement is tempered by the sheer volume

I had hundreds of reasons to leave Twitter/X in 2023. However, I found that more difficult to do than I would have expected. So, I lingered there in a kind of downward-drifting limbo.

I told many people over the last several months that the most difficult issue for me in leaving was saying goodbye to

As an avid reader, for many years I have set the goal of reading 52 books in 52 weeks. It’s ambitious, but reading is a hobby and this exercise helps me keep track of what I’ve read. In 2023, I read 92 books, exceeding my goal by quite a bit. Or, more accurately, I listed

One of the big challenges about publishing a blog on focused topics is that external events can intrude and make your posts seem like they don’t live in the real world.

Twenty years ago today, I published my first post on this blog. Over the years, I liked to mark each blogiversary (or blawgiversary) with