I just finished Peter Lance’s 1000 Years for Revenge: International Terrorism and the FBI–the Untold Story and recommend it highly.
I’ve gradually been trying to get a number of different perspectives on the terrorism issue. This book told the story to me in a lucid, understandable and compelling way. I finally began to understand the cast of characters and the timeline.
One of the blurbs for the book suggests that it reads like a thriller. It does, but, unlike the thrillers of Ludlum and others, the heroes don’t avert catastrophe at the last minute. The bad events do occur.
I think we all need to face up to the question of whether we are less vulnerable now than we were on 9/11 and what should be done. Readers of this book, and others, will have some definite concerns about what the answer to that question is today. Is there still a plan that is not yet finished?